Calculate and plot boundaries

Calculate and plot boundaries ✎📊 describes the calculation and plotting of planetary boundary statuses at different spatial scales based on LPJmL. It aims to simplify the post-processing of LPJmL output data and to make the calculations and visualizations transparent and flexible.


The calculations rely on the output of LPJmL simulations. To configure and submit LPJmL simulations, the LPJmL Runner from the lpjmlkit package can be used ( In doing so, it is important to ensure that all necessary output variables are written out (at the needed spatial resolution). To do so, boundaries provides a function to list all needed LPJmL input and output variables (see ?list_outputs). These have to be included in the LPJmL configuration file (lpjml_config.cjson). Example output files can be downloaded from

For the post-processing, two working steps are required: Calculate the boundaries (1) and plot them (2). In a seperate step, a global validation table can be created to compare the simulated key variables with global literature estimates (3).

1. ✏ Calculate boundaries

Use calc_status() to calculate the boundary status. Define which boundaries should be calculated, at which spatial_scale and for which time_span, as well as additional arguments such as the calculation approach to use (see ?calc_status for more information).
Each boundary calculation boundary = c("bluewater", "greenwater", "lsc", "nitrogen", "biosphere") has its own underlying calculation function, for which additional arguments can be passed to calc_status(), e.g. the minimum tree cover tree_cover_thresholds to define forest biomes in lsc_status().
See e.g. ?lsc_status (boundary + “_status”) for more information.
The function returns a list with objects of class control_variable, referring to the status of the contol variable(s) with attributes, such as the boundary and high risk values, the unit, and the spatial resolution.

global_status <- calc_status(
  boundary = c("bluewater", "greenwater", "lsc", "nitrogen", "biosphere"),
  config_scenario = config_path_scenario,
  config_reference = config_path_reference,
  spatial_scale = "global",
  path_baseline = output_path_baseline,
  time_span_scenario = as.character(1901:2017),
  time_span_reference = as.character(1500:1699),
  time_span_baseline = as.character(1901:2017),
  time_series_avg = 1, # computation of timeseries, no moving average
  approach = list("bluewater" = "porkka2024",
                  "greenwater" = "porkka2024",
                  "nitrogen" = "schulte_uebbing2022")

2. 📊 Plot boundary status(es)

The status of the control variable(s) can be visualized using the plot_status() function, by transferring the output of the calc_status() function. Depending on the spatial scale, the function applies different plotting functions (maps for grid and regional scale; timeseries plots for global scale). See ?plot_status() for more information, as well as the individual plotting functions called by plot_status() for the different spatial scales (status_map() for grid and regional scale; status_stylized() (radial plot) or status_global (Cartesian coordinate system) for global scale). For some plots, the legend is not automatically plotted, but can be plotted separately using the status_legend() function.

plot_status(global_status, filename = "./global_status.png")
status_legend(filename = "./legend.png")

3. 📋 Create global validation table

The function validate_simulation() compares relevant key variables that impact the control variable status, such as (i) inputs to the LPJmL model (e.g. nitrogen fertilization) and (ii) processed LPJmL outputs (e.g. irrigation water consumption), as well as (iii) the control variable status values themselves with global literature estimates. The parameter settings should match those chosen for application of the calc_status() function at the global level, except for time_span_scenario, which should match the timespans/years of the literature estimates (see ./extdata/global_validation_data.csv for an overview of included literature data). The computed results will be averaged over this timespan. See ?validate_simulation for more information.

validation_table <- validate_simulation(
  config_scenario = config_path_scenario,
  config_reference = config_path_reference,
  path_baseline = output_path_baseline,
  time_span_scenario = as.character(2005:2014),
  time_span_reference = as.character(1500:1699),
  filename = "./validation_table.csv",
  approach = list("bluewater" = "porkka2024",
                  "greenwater" = "porkka2024",
                  "nitrogen" = "schulte_uebbing2022")


More helpful functions that come with the package are:

  • classify_biomes() to determine spatially-explicit biome extents based on the foliar projected cover of different plant functional types simulated in LPJmL, the annual mean temperature and elevation (inputs to LPJmL). This function is used, amongst others, to calculate the land system change boundary status but can also be used independently.

  • plot_biomes() to visualize the spatially-explicit biome extents calculated with classify_biomes.

  • calc_efrs() to calculate environmental flow requirements based on different defined approaches based on LPJmL discharge output data. This is used for the blue water boundary status at the gridded level but can be relevant also for other applications.

  • as_risk_level() to convert the status of a control variable to a risk level based on the boundary and high risk values. If the risk level is not to be plotted but needed for further analysis, this function can be directly applied to the output of calc_status.

For an overview on all implemented approaches, the respective control variables, units, the default boundary & high risk values, as well as all needed LPJmL outputs, see ./extdata/metric_files.yml.



library(boundaries) # nolint:undesirable_function_linter

# set paths to lpjml configuration files and outputs
path_configurations <- "./lpjml/configurations/"
config_path_scenario <- paste0(path_configurations, "config_scenario.json")
config_path_reference <- paste0(path_configurations, "config_reference.json")
path_outputs <- "./lpjml/output/"
path_outputs_pnv <- paste0(path_outputs, "pnv/")

plotpath <- paste0("./R/plots/")


Global status timeseries

Example Global status calculation with moving average


### calc status at the global level

# define analysis and reference period
time_span_scenario <- as.character(1901:2017)
time_span_reference <- as.character(1500:1699)

# define the number of years to average over, for a moving average; if set to
# 1, no moving average is calculated
nyear_window <- 5

global_status <- calc_status(
  # define boundaries to calculate - it can also be only one boundary
  boundary = c("bluewater", "greenwater", "lsc", "nitrogen", "biosphere"),
  config_scenario = config_path_scenario,
  config_reference = config_path_reference,
  spatial_scale = "global",
  time_span_scenario = time_span_scenario,
  time_span_reference = time_span_reference,
  # moving average over nyear_window years
  time_series_avg = nyear_window,
  approach = list("bluewater" = "porkka2024",
                  "greenwater" = "porkka2024",
                  "nitrogen" = "schulte_uebbing2022"),
  # boundary specific parameters, see individual boundary functions for details
  time_span_baseline = time_span_scenario, # for biosphere integrity
  path_baseline = paste0(path_outputs, "/pnv/"), # for biosphere integrity
  savanna_proxy = list(vegc = 7500) # for forest biome definition in the land system change boundary

### plot timeseries

# There are three options for plotting the global status timeseries:
# a) one timeseries panel for each boundary control variable, in a Cartesian
#    coordinate system
# b) all timeseries plotted in one panel, in a Cartesian coordinate system
# c) one timeseries panel for each boundary control variable, in a polar
#    coordinate system (called "stylized")

# a) one timeseries panel for each boundary control variable
  x = global_status,
  stylized = FALSE,
  filename = "./global_timeseries_panels.png"

# b) all timeseries plotted in one panel
  x = global_status,
  stylized = FALSE,
  all_in_one = TRUE,
  filename = "./global_timeseries_all_in_one.png"

# c) one timeseries panel for each boundary control variable, in a polar
#    coordinate system
  x = global_status,
  stylized = TRUE,
  filename = "./global_timeseries_stylized.png"

Example Compare two calculation approaches for the same boundary


# In this example, only the bluewater boundary is calculated, for two different
# approaches. The results are then jointly plotted in a Cartesian coordinate
# system.

# define analysis and reference period
time_span_scenario <- as.character(1901:2017)
time_span_reference <- as.character(1500:1699)

# Aprroach A: Following Porkka et al. (2024) (
# Referring to global area with discharge deviations outside the pre-industrial
# range

bluewater_status_porkka <- calc_status(
  # define boundaries to calculate - it can also be only one boundary
  boundary = c("bluewater"),
  config_scenario = config_path_scenario,
  config_reference = config_path_reference,
  spatial_scale = "global",
  time_span_scenario = time_span_scenario,
  time_span_reference = time_span_reference,
  # no moving average, by setting the number of years to average over to 1:
  time_series_avg = 1,
  approach = list("bluewater" = "porkka2024")

# Aprroach B: Following Rockström et al. (2009) (
# Referring to global bluewater consumption, but adapting the defaullt boundary
# and high risk values

bluewater_status_rockstroem <- calc_status(
  # define boundaries to calculate - it can also be only one boundary
  boundary = c("bluewater"),
  config_scenario = config_path_scenario,
  config_reference = config_path_reference,
  spatial_scale = "global",
  time_span_scenario = time_span_scenario,
  time_span_reference = time_span_reference,
  # no moving average, by setting the number of years to average over to 1:
  time_series_avg = 1,
  approach = list("bluewater" = "rockstroem2009"),
  # change default planetary boundary and high risk values, following Gerten
  # et al. 2013 (,
  # all referring to km3/yr as defined in `metric_files.yml`
  thresholds = list("bluewater" = list(holocene = 0,
                                       pb = 2800,
                                       high_risk = 4000))

# plot both results in one timeseries panel
# merge both results into one list
# TODO test if this is working!
bluewater_status <- list("bluewater" = bluewater_status_porkka$bluewater,
                         "bluewater" = bluewater_status_rockstroem$bluewater)

  x = bluewater_status,
  stylized = FALSE,
  all_in_one = TRUE,
  filename = "./global_bluewater_status_porkka_vs_rockstroem.png"

Gridded status

Example Gridded status calculation and plotting


# define analysis and reference period
time_span_scenario <- as.character(2008:2017)
time_span_reference <- as.character(1500:1699)
# if the land use effect is to be isolated, the time span for the reference
# period can be set to the same as the scenario period:
# time_span_reference <- as.character(2008:2017) #nolint
# This way, climate change induced changes are excluded.

# calc status at the gridded level
gridded_status <- calc_status(
  boundary = c("lsc", "nitrogen", "bluewater", "biosphere"),
  config_scenario = config_path_scenario,
  config_reference = config_path_reference,
  time_span_scenario = time_span_scenario,
  time_span_reference = time_span_reference,
  spatial_scale = "grid",
  # set time_series_avg to NULL, to not calculate a timeseries, but to average
  # over the entire scenario time span
  time_series_avg = NULL,
  # boundary specific parameters, see individual boundary functions for details
  time_span_baseline = time_span_scenario, # for biosphere integrity
  path_baseline = paste0(path_outputs, "/pnv/"), # for biosphere integrity
  savanna_proxy = list(vegc = 7500) # for forest biome definition in the land system change boundary

# plot status at the gridded level, for details see `?status_maps`
# There are two options for plotting a map with the gridded status(es):
# a) plot the control variable status of each boundary (e.g. deforestation share
#   for the land system change boundary)
# b) plot the risk level of each boundary, based on a normalized color scale
#    and the boundary and high risk values

# a) control variable status
  x = gridded_status,
  filename = "./gridded_status_control_variable.png",
  grid_path = paste0(path_outputs_pnv, "grid.bin.json"),
  risk_level = FALSE

# b) risk level
  x = gridded_status,
  filename = "./gridded_status_risk_level.png",
  grid_path = paste0(path_outputs_pnv, "grid.bin.json"),
  risk_level = TRUE


Regional status

For the regional status, the calculation is performed on a aggregated regional level that makes sense for the respective boundary. For example, for the land system change boundary, the regional status is calculated at the level of forest biomes, for biosphere integrity at the level of biomes, and for bluewater at the level of river basins.

Example Regional status calculation and plotting


# define analysis and reference period
time_span_scenario <- as.character(2008:2017)
time_span_reference <- as.character(1500:1699)

# calc status at the regional level
regional_status <- calc_status(
  boundary = c("lsc", "bluewater", "greenwater", "biosphere"),
  config_scenario = config_path_scenario,
  config_reference = config_path_scenario,
  time_span_scenario = time_span_scenario,
  time_span_reference = time_span_reference,
  spatial_scale = "regional",
  approach = list("bluewater" = "porkka2024",
                  "greenwater" = "porkka2024"),
  path_baseline = paste0(path_outputs, "/pnv/"), # for biosphere integrity
  time_span_baseline = time_span_scenario, # for biosphere integrity
  savanna_proxy = list(vegc = 7500), # for forest biome definition in the land system change boundary

# plot status at the regional level

# As for the gridded status, there are two options for plotting a map with the
# regional status(es): directly the control variable status or the risk level.

# risk level status
  x = regional_status,
  filename = "./regional_status_risk_level.png",
  grid_path = paste0(path_outputs_pnv, "grid.bin.json"),
  risk_level = TRUE


Notes & tips

  • Some boundary status calculations may take long (particularly for green and bluewater based on the approach following Porkka et al. 2024). To speed up the calculation, the in_parallel argument can be set to TRUE in the calc_status function to parallelize some of the calculations.
  • It is advisable to submit the calculations as a job to slurm