Package: edgeTransport 2.15.0

Johanna Hoppe

edgeTransport: Prepare EDGE Transport Data for the REMIND model

EDGE-T is a fork of the GCAM transport module with a high level of detail in its representation of technological and modal options. It is a partial equilibrium model with a nested multinomial logit structure and relies on the modified logit formulation. Most of the sources are not publicly available. PIK-internal users can find the sources in the distributed file system in the folder `/p/projects/rd3mod/inputdata/sources/EDGE-Transport-Standalone`.

Authors:Johanna Hoppe [aut, cre], Alois Dirnaichner [aut], Marianna Rottoli [aut], Jarusch Muessel [aut], Alex K. Hagen [aut]

edgeTransport.pdf |edgeTransport.html
edgeTransport/json (API)

# Install 'edgeTransport' in R:
install.packages('edgeTransport', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:



6.84 score 5 stars 2 packages 16 scripts 27 exports 232 dependencies

Last updated 23 days agofrom:570d3cd928. Checks:5 OK, 2 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEFeb 12 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 12 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 12 2025



EnergyDemandGenerator-Transport Model (EDGE-T)

Rendered fromEDGEtransport.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 12 2025.

Last update: 2024-07-18
Started: 2020-09-25

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Generate EDGE-Transport Input Data for the REMIND model, madrat interface.calcEdgeTransportSA
Calculate shares based on discrete choice model.calculateShares
Check a data.table for NAs and duplicates and throw an error if neededcheckForNAsDups
Creates RDS files for iterative REMIND-EDGE runs from csv input files. Existing files are overwritten silently. Does not return anything.csv2RDS
List associated univocalNames for any entry of the decision treegetFilterEntriesUnivocalName
EDGE-Transport iterativeiterativeEdgeTransport
Apply ICE ban on vehicle types that feature preference factorstoolApplyICEbanOnPreferences
Apply scenario specific adjustments to the preference trendstoolApplyScenPrefTrends
Apply demand scenario specific adjustments to the energy intensitytoolApplyScenSpecEnInt
Apply demand scenario specific adjustments to the load FactortoolApplyScenSpecLoadFactor
Calculate annuity for different vehicle typestoolCalculateAnnuity
Calculate composition of the fleettoolCalculateFleetComposition
Calculate eneryg service demand on fuel vehicle leveltoolCalculateFVdemand
Apply regional differences for inconvenience cost start values based on ICE cost differencestoolCalculateInitialIncoCost
Calculate vehicle depreciation factors for fleet trackingtoolCalculateVehicleDepreciationFactors
Calibrate the logit share weights to historical data.toolCalibrateHistPrefs
Function that converts CAPEX and OPEX into US$/(p|t)km and provides them combined in a structured formattoolCombineCAPEXandOPEX
Energy service demand projectiontoolDemandRegression
Calculate vehicle sales shares and mode shares for all levels of the decisionTree.toolDiscreteChoice
Energy Demand Generator (EDGE)- Transport ModeltoolEdgeTransportSA
Read and build the complete structure of the edgeTransport decision treetoolLoadDecisionTree
Load all inputs that are required to run the modeltoolLoadInputs
Load iterative inputstoolLoadIterativeInputs
Load GDP and Population data from mrdriverstoolLoadmrdriversData
Load input data from the mrtransport packagetoolLoadmrtransportData
Load input data from the edgeTransport package and choose data according to SSP and transport policy scenariotoolLoadPackageData
Load REMIND energy service demandtoolLoadREMINDesDemand
Load fuel prices from a REMIND fulldata.gdx in [US$/MJ] and map them on to the edgeTransport decision tree. The output is provided in the same spatial resolution as the transferred gdx file and the temporal resolution is set according to the param yrs.toolLoadREMINDfuelCosts
Normalize preferences so that the maximum in each branch of the decision tree equals 1toolNormalizePreferences
Format all cost componentstoolPrepareDataEndogenousCosts
Apply transport scenario specific adjustments to input datatoolPrepareScenInputData
Calculate data for the next higher level of the decision tree.toolTraverseDecisionTree