LPJmL Data

LPJmL Data 💾 is an lpjmlkit module that groups around the data class LPJmLData and aims to facilitate reading and processing of LPJmL inputs and outputs by combining the raw data with available meta data (meta files, header files or manually) to avoid a large overhead. It further enables easy subsetting, transformations and basic statistics of the data and allows export to common data formats.
Example data files can be downloaded from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12915168



LPJmL Data first requires reading LPJmL input or output data into R by applying the read_io function (1). The returned object is of class LPJmLData (2), for which basic statistics can be calculated (3), the inner data can be modified (4), or exported (5) to common data formats.

1. 📖 Read function read_io

read_io is a generic function to read LPJmL input and output files. It currently supports three different file formats, “meta”, “clm” and “raw”:

  • “meta” - Easy to use and strongly recommended.
    Set "output_metafile" : true in your LPJmL run configuration to generate output files in “meta” format. LPJmL input files can also be created in “meta” format.

    # Read monthly runoff with meta file.
    runoff <- read_io("./output/runoff.bin.json")
  • “clm” - Use if “meta” is not available or in combination.
    Most LPJmL input files use “clm” format. To write output files in “clm” format set "fmt" : "clm" in your LPJmL run configuration. Some optional meta data (e.g. band_names) need to be specified manually while the basic information about file structure is derived automatically from the file header.

    # Read monthly runoff data with header.
    runoff <- read_io("./output/runoff.clm",
                      # If the clm version is lower than 4 set nbands and nstep
                      # manually so that month dimension is recognized correctly.
                      nbands = 1,
                      nstep = 12,
                      # Useful additional information that is not needed to read the
                      # Data.
                      variable = "runoff",
                      descr = "monthly runoff",
                      unit = "mm/month")
  • “raw” - Not recommended for use (with lpjmlkit).
    By default, LPJmL output files are written as “raw” files ("fmt" : "raw" in your LPJmL run configuration). These files include no meta data about their structure or contents and should therefore be combined with the "output_metafile" : true setting to generate a corresponding “meta” file. Otherwise, all meta data need to be specified by the user. Historically, some LPJmL input files use “raw” format.

    # Read monthly runoff raw data.
    runoff <- read_io("./output/runoff.bin",
                      # Specify all meta data if they differ from the function
                      # default values.


2. 📁 Data class LPJmLData

read_io returns an object of an R6 class LPJmLData with two main attributes, $data and $meta:

  • $data A class base::array - returns the data array with default dimensions “cell”, “time” and “band”

    #     , , band = 1
    #          time
    # cell       1901-01-31    1901-02-28    1901-03-31    1901-04-30
    #   0      2.427786e+02  1.265680e+02  2.279087e+02  2.027685e+02
    #   1      4.189225e-14  1.032507e-16  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00
    #   2      3.860512e-14  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00
    #   3      0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00
    #   4      0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00
    #   5      0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00
  • $meta Meta data of class LPJmLMetaData - returns the corresponding meta data (e.g. runoff$meta$unit)

    # $sim_name "lu_cf"
    # $source "LPJmL C Version 5.3.001"
    # $history "./LPJmL_internal/bin/lpjml ./configurations/config_lu_cf.json"
    # $variable "runoff"
    # $descr "monthly runoff"
    # $unit "mm/month"
    # $nbands 1
    # $nyear 111
    # $firstyear 1901
    # $lastyear 2011
    # $nstep 12
    # $timestep 1
    # $ncell 67420
    # $firstcell 0
    # $cellsize_lon 0.5
    # $cellsize_lat 0.5
    # $datatype "float"
    # $scalar 1
    # $order "cellseq"
    # $bigendian FALSE
    # $format "raw"
    # $filename "runoff.bin"


3. 📈 Basic statistics of LPJmLData objects

To get an overview of the data, LPJmLData supports the usage of the base functions: length(), dim(), dimension(), summary() and plot(). More methods can be added in the future.

# Self print; also via print(runoff).
# $meta |>
#   .$sim_name "lu_cf"
#   .$variable "runoff"
#   .$descr "monthly runoff"
#   .$unit "mm/month"
#   .$nbands 1
#   .$nyear 111
#   .$nstep 12
#   .$timestep 1
#   .$ncell 67420
#   .$cellsize_lon 0.5
#   .$cellsize_lat 0.5
# Note: not printing all meta data, use $meta to get all.
# $data |>
#   dimnames() |>
#     .$cell  "0" "1" "2" "3" ... "67419"
#     .$time  ""1901-01-31" "1901-02-28" "1901-03-31" "1901-04-30" ... "2011-12-31"
#     .$band  "1"
# $summary()
#        1
#  Min.   :   0.0000
#  1st Qu.:   0.0619
#  Median :   4.4320
#  Mean   :  28.7658
#  3rd Qu.:  27.5627
#  Max.   :2840.9602
# Note: summary is not weighted by grid area.

# Return the dimension length of $data array; dimnames function is also available.
#  cell  time  band
# 67420  1332     1

# Plot as maps or time series, depending on the dimensions.


4. ✏ Modify LPJmLData objects

Each LPJmLData object comes with a bundle of methods to modify its state: add_grid(), transform() and subset().

  • 📍 add_grid() Adds a $grid attribute (as an LPJmLData object) to the object, providing the spatial reference (longitude and latitude) for each cell.

    # Object- oriented (R6 class) notation (assigning grid directly to runoff)
    # Common R notation (overwriting the original object)
    runoff <- add_grid(runoff)
    # Use the read_io arguments if a grid file cannot be detected automatically.
    runoff <- add_grid(runoff, "./output/grid.clm")
  • 🔁 transform() the $data dimensions.
    Transforms the spatial dimension from “cell” to “lon” (longitude) and “lat” (latitude) or the temporal dimension “time” into separate “year”, “month”, and “day” dimensions. Combinations and back transformations are also possible. Transformation into the format “lon_lat” requires a $grid attribute (see add_grid above). Any transformation does not change the contents of the data, only the structure.

    # Transform into lon and lat dimensions. If add_grid has not been executed
    #   before it is called implicitly.
    runoff <- transform(runoff, to = "lon_lat")
    # [...]
    # $data |>
    #   dimnames() |>
    #     .$lat  "-55.75" "-55.25" "-54.75" "-54.25" ... "83.75"
    #     .$lon  "-179.75" "-179.25" "-178.75" "-178.25" ... "179.75"
    #     .$time  "1901-01-31" "1901-02-28" "1901-03-31" "1901-04-30" ... "2011-12-31"
    #     .$band  "1"
    # [...]
    # Transform into year and month dimensions (day not available for monthly
    #   runoff)
    runoff <- transform(runoff, to = "year_month_day")
    # [...]
    # $data |>
    #   dimnames() |>
    #     .$lat  "-55.75" "-55.25" "-54.75" "-54.25" ... "83.75"
    #     .$lon  "-179.75" "-179.25" "-178.75" "-178.25" ... "179.75"
    #     .$month  "1" "2" "3" "4" ... "12"
    #     .$year  "1901" "1902" "1903" "1904" ... "2011"
    #     .$band  "1"
    # [...]
    # Transform back to original dimensions.
    runoff <- transform(runoff, to = c("cell", "time"))
    # [...]
    # $data |>
    #   dimnames() |>
    #     .$cell  "0" "1" "2" "3" ... "67419"
    #     .$time  "1901-01-31" "1901-02-28" "1901-03-31" "1901-04-30" ... "2100-12-31"
    #     .$band  "1"
    # [...]
  • subset() the $data.
    Use $data dimensions as keys and names or indices as values to subset $data. $meta data are adjusted according to the subset. Applying a subset changes the contents of the data and cannot be reversed.

    # Subset by dimnames (character string).
    runoff <- subset(runoff, time = "1991-05-31")
    # $meta |>
    #   .$nyear 1
    #   .$ncell 67420
    #   .$subset TRUE
    # [...]
    # Note: not printing all meta data, use $meta to get all.
    # $data |>
    #   dimnames() |>
    #     .$cell  "0" "1" "2" "3" ... "67419"
    #     .$time  "1991-05-31"
    #     .$band  "1"
    # [...]
    # Subset by indices
    runoff <- subset(runoff, cell = 28697:28700)
    # $meta |>
    #   .$nyear 1
    #   .$ncell 4
    #   .$subset TRUE
    # [...]
    # Note: not printing all meta data, use $meta to get all.
    # $data |>
    #   dimnames() |>
    #     .$cell  "28696" "28697" "28698" "28699"
    #     .$time  "1991-05-31"
    #     .$band  "1"
    # [...]


5. 📦 Export LPJmLData objects

Finally, LPJmLData objects can be exported into common R data formats: array, tibble, raster and terra.
More export methods can be added in the future.

  • as_array() Export $data as an array. In addition to simply returning the $data element of an LPJmLData object, as_array provides functionalities to subset and aggregate $data. Subsetting is conducted before aggregation.

    # Export as an array with subset of first 6 time steps and aggregation along
    #   the dimension cell (mean).
             subset = list(time = 1:6),
             aggregate = list(cell = mean))
    #             band
    # time                1
    #   1901-01-31 19.49611
    #   1901-02-28 20.28368
    #   1901-03-31 27.93595
    #   1901-04-30 36.90505
    #   1901-05-31 39.38885
    #   1901-06-30 32.80252
  • as_tibble() Export $data as a tibble object, providing the same additional subsetting and aggregation functionality as as_array.

    # Export as a tibble with subset of first 6 time steps
    as_tibble(runoff, subset = list(time = 1:6))
    # # A tibble: 404,520 × 4
    #    cell  time       band  value
    #    <fct> <fct>      <fct> <dbl>
    #  1 0     1901-01-31 1      184.
    #  2 1     1901-01-31 1        0
    #  3 2     1901-01-31 1        0
    #  4 3     1901-01-31 1        0
    #  5 4     1901-01-31 1        0
    #  6 5     1901-01-31 1        0
    #  7 6     1901-01-31 1        0
    #  8 7     1901-01-31 1        0
    #  9 8     1901-01-31 1        0
    # 10 9     1901-01-31 1        0
    # # … with 404,510 more rows
  • 🌐 as_raster() / as_terra() Export $data as a raster or a terra object (successor of raster), providing the same additional subsetting and aggregation functionality as as_array(). as_raster() returns a RasterLayer for a single data field and a RasterBrick if the result contains more than one band or more than one time step.

    # Export the first time step as a RasterLayer object from the raster package.
    as_raster(runoff, subset = list(time = 1))
    # class      : RasterLayer
    # dimensions : 280, 720, 201600  (nrow, ncol, ncell)
    # resolution : 0.5, 0.5  (x, y)
    # extent     : -180, 180, -56, 84  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    # crs        : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs # nolint:commented_code_linter.
    # source     : memory
    # names      : runoff
    # values     : -1.682581e-13, 671.8747  (min, max)
    # Export the first time step as a terra SpatRaster object.
    as_terra(runoff, subset = list(time = 1))
    # class       : SpatRaster
    # dimensions  : 280, 720, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
    # resolution  : 0.5, 0.5  (x, y)
    # extent      : -180, 180, -56, 84  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    # coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
    # source      : memory
    # name        :        runoff
    # min value   : -1.682581e-13
    # max value   :  6.718747e+02
    # unit        :      mm/month # nolint:commented_code_linter.
    # Export the first 4 times step as a RasterBrick object.
    as_raster(runoff, subset = list(time = 1:4))
    # class      : RasterBrick
    # dimensions : 280, 720, 201600, 4  (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
    # resolution : 0.5, 0.5  (x, y)
    # extent     : -180, 180, -56, 84  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    # crs        : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs # nolint:commented_code_linter.
    # source     : memory
    # names      :   X1901.01.31,   X1901.02.28,   X1901.03.31,   X1901.04.30
    # min values : -1.682581e-13, -1.750495e-13, -2.918900e-13, -1.516298e-13
    # max values :      671.8747,      785.2363,      828.2853,      987.4359
    # Export the first 4 time steps as a terra SpatRaster object.
    as_terra(runoff, subset = list(time = 1:4))
    # class       : SpatRaster
    # dimensions  : 280, 720, 4  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
    # resolution  : 0.5, 0.5  (x, y)
    # extent      : -180, 180, -56, 84  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
    # coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
    # source      : memory
    # names       :    1901-01-31,    1901-02-28,    1901-03-31,    1901-04-30
    # min values  : -1.682581e-13, -1.750495e-13, -2.918900e-13, -1.516298e-13
    # max values  :  6.718747e+02,  7.852363e+02,  8.282853e+02,  9.874359e+02
    # unit        :      mm/month,      mm/month,      mm/month,      mm/month
    # time (days) : 1901-01-31 to 1901-04-30



More helpful functionality included with LPJmL Data:

  • read_meta() to read meta information from meta and header files as LPJmLMetaData objects. LPJmLMetaData are usually attached to an LPJmLData object but can also be used to gain information about an LPJmL input or output file without reading the data.

  • LPJmLMetaData objects can be exported as as_list and as_header to create header objects or write header files.

  • read_header(), write_header(), get_headersize(), get_datatype() provide low-level interaction with LPJmL input and output files primarily in “clm” format.




1. Example Global Trend in net primary productivity (NPP) over the years


npp <- read_io(filename = "./output/npp.bin.json",
               subset = list(year = as.character(1970:2011)))

# Transform "time" into "year" and "month" dimensions.
npp$transform(to = "year_month_day")

# Plot timeseries with aggregated cell and month dimensions. Note that spatial
# aggregation across cells is not area-weighted.
     aggregate = list(cell = mean, month = sum))

# Also available as data array.
global_npp_trend <- as_array(npp,
                             aggregate = list(cell = mean, month = sum))

2. Example Runoff in northern hemisphere during summertime


runoff <- read_io(filename = "./output/runoff.bin.json",
                  subset = list(year = as.character(2002:2011)))

# Usage of pipe operator operator |> (%>% via package magrittr R version < 4.1)
runoff |>
  # Transform the time and space dimensions ...
  transform(to = c("year_month_day", "lon_lat")) |>
  # ... to subset summer months as well as northern hemisphere (positive)
  #   latitudes.
  subset(month = 6:9,
         lat = as.character(seq(0.25, 83.75, by = 0.5))) |>
  # for plotting sum up summer month and take the average over the years
  plot(aggregate = list(year = mean, month = sum))

3. Example Gross primary productivity (GPP) per latitude


gpp <- read_io(filename = "./output/gpp.bin.json",
               subset = list(year = as.character(2002:2011)))

# Transform into lon_lat format.
gpp$transform(to = "lon_lat")

# Plot GPP per latitude.
plot(gpp, aggregate = list(time = mean, lon = mean))

4. Example CFT fractions for area around Potsdam


# Coordinates for cells around Potsdam.
coordinates <- tibble::tibble(lat = as.character(c(52.25, 52.400922, 53.25)),
                              lon = as.character(c(12.75, 13.03638, 12.75)))

# Complete pipe notation, from reading to plotting data.
  filename = glue("./cftfrac.bin.json"),
  subset = list(year = as.character(2000:2018))
) |>
  transform(to = "lon_lat") |>
  # Special case for subsetting of lat and lon pairs
  subset(coords = coordinates) |>
  # Mean across spatial dimensions
  plot(aggregate = list(lon = mean, lat = mean))


Notes & tips

  1. LPJmLData and LPJmLMetaData objects are closed environments, each of an R6 class, that function as a data container.
    Do not replicate R6 objects like

    my_copy <- lpjml_data
    # Instead use:
    my_copy <- lpjml_data$clone(deep = TRUE)

    Otherwise, my_copy and lpjml_data point to the same environment, and any subsetting or transformation methods applied to my_copy will also affect lpjml_data.

  2. Do not try to manually overwrite either the $data or any $meta data attributes within LPJmLData objects. It is either not possible or can mess up the integrity of the object. Methods surrounded by double underscores ($.__<method>__) or attributes surrounded by underscores ($._<attribute>_) are only for low-level package development and should not be used by users for their data handling.

  3. When performance is important, choose R6 method notation runoff$transform(to = "lon_lat") over common R notation transform(runoff, to = "lon_lat").

  4. The “meta” format is only supported by recent LPJmL versions. When comparing older (< LPJmL version 5.3) output data with LPJmL 5.3 output data it can be useful to combine meta ("output_metafile" : true) with the header file format ("fmt": "clm"), which has been supported since LPJmL version 4, for simplification of process pipelines.