LPJmL Runner

LPJmL Runner 🏃 is a lpjmlkit module of functions that have the goal to simplify the execution of simulations with LPJmL and further to execute complex, nested and multiple simulation sequences fast and less error prone without having a big (bash) script overhead.
To install LPJmL, read the LPJmL installation instructions.

⚙ Setup

! Important ! The LPJmL Runner module only supports unix-based operating systems in which the working environment for LPJmL is configured!


The LPJmL Runner generally requires 3 to 4 working steps: Define a modified parameter table (1), create the corresponding configuration files (2), check if the these are valid for LPJmL (3 - optional) and run or submit LPJmL with each configurations (4).

1. 📋 Define a table of modified configuration parameters

Define what LPJmL configurations/parameters to be changed. Please familiarize yourself with available configuration options.
The base configuration file (e.g.”lpjml_config.cjson”) can be read in via read_config as a nested list object. Using the same syntax configurations/parameters can be changed directly in the corresponding configuration file or in a data frame (see example).
?write_config for more information.

my_params <- tibble(
  sim_name = c("scenario1", "scenario2"),
  random_seed = c(42, 404),
  `param$k_temp` = c(NA, 0.03),
  new_phenology = c(TRUE, FALSE)

2. ✍ Create corresponding Configuration files

Now the central function is write_config, create and write LPJmL Configuration (config) file(s) "config_*.json" from a data frame with the parameters of a base config file "lpjml_config.cjson" to be changed. ?write_config for more information.

config_details <- write_config(my_params, model_path, sim_path)

3. 🔍 Check validity of Configurations

Check whether your config(s) are valid for LPJmL by passing the returned data frame to check_lpjml. It won’t raise an error (dependencies might not be satisfied yet) but will print/return the information of lpjcheck.

lpjml_check(config_details, model_path, sim_path)

4. ▶ Run or 🚀 submit LPJmL

Run LPJmL for each Configuration locally via run_lpjml or submit as a batch job to SLURM (PIK Cluster) via submit_lpjml. run_lpjml can also be utilized within slurm jobs to execute multiple single cell runs.
?submit_lpjml or ?run_lpjml for more information.

# run interactively
run_details <- run_lpjml(config_details, model_path, sim_path)
# OR submit to SLURM
submit_details <- submit_lpjml(config_details, model_path, sim_path)


More helpful functions that come with LPJmL Runner are:

  • read_config to read a configuration file as a nested R list object

  • use the R internal View function for a tree visualization of a "config_*.json" file

  • make_lpjml function for compiling LPJmL.



# Why tibble? -> https://r4ds.had.co.nz/tibbles.html
# Tibbles also provide a better overview of the data and directly show the type
# of each column, which is very important for integer/floating point values.

model_path <- "./LPJmL_internal"
sim_path <- "./my_runs"


Single cell simulations

Single cell (or short number of multiple cells) simulations can be executed locally or on a login node. This mode is especially useful when it comes to testing or comparing local data.

Example Potential natural vegetation and land-use run


# create parameter tibble
params <- tibble(
  sim_name = c("spinup", "lu", "pnv"),
  landuse = c("no", "yes", "no"),
  # only for demonstration
  reservoir = c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE),
  startgrid = c(27410, 27410, 27410),
  endgrid = c(27410, 27410, 27410),
  river_routing = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
  wateruse = c("no", "yes", "no"),
  fix_deposition = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE),
  # run parameter: dependency sets the restart paths to the corresponding
  #   restart_filename and calculates the execution order
  dependency = c(
    NA, "spinup", "spinup"

# write config files
config_details <- write_config(
  x = params, # pass the defined parameter tibble
  model_path = model_path,
  sim_path = sim_path,
  cjson_filename = "lpjml_config.cjson" # (default) the base config file

# read and view config
config_lu <- read_config(
  filename = paste0(sim_path, "/configurations/config_lu.json") # nolint:absolute_path_linter.


# check config & LPJmL
  x = config_details, # can be filename (vector) or tibble
  model_path = model_path,
  sim_path = sim_path

# execute runs sequentially
run_details <- run_lpjml(
  model_path = model_path,
  sim_path = sim_path

Example Old vs. new phenology and old land-use vs. input toolbox


# create parameter tibble
params <- tibble(
  sim_name = c("spinup_oldphen",
  # object oriented like syntax to access nested json elements
  `input$landuse$name` = c(
  gsi_phenology = c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE),
  startgrid = c(27410, 27410, 27410, 27410, 27410),
  endgrid =   c(27410, 27410, 27410, 27410, 27410),
  river_routing = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
  dependency = c(NA, NA, "spinup_oldphen", "spinup_newphen", "spinup_newphen")

# write config files
config_details <- write_config(
  x = params,
  model_path = model_path,
  sim_path = sim_path

# write config files
config_details <- write_config(params, model_path, sim_path)

# check config & LPJmL
check_config(config_details, model_path, sim_path)

# execute runs sequentially
run_details <- run_lpjml(config_details, model_path, sim_path)


Global simulations on the PIK cluster

Global simulations are simulations on all available cells with a coherent water cycle. It requires more computational ressources which is why they have to be run at dedicated compute nodes, at PIK Cluster only accessible via SLURM Job scheduler. Therefore LPJmL has to be “submitted”.

Example Compare old vs new land use (lpjml input toolbox)


# create parameter tibble
params <- tibble(
  sim_name = c("spinup",
  `input$landuse$name` = c(
  dependency = c(NA, "spinup", "spinup"),
  # slurm option wtime: analogous to sbatch -wtime defines slurm option
  #   individually per config, overwrites submit_lpjml argument
  #   (same for sclass, ntasks, blocking or constraint)
  wtime = c("15:00:00", "3:00:00", "3:00:00")

# write config files
config_details <- write_config(
  x = params,
  model_path = model_path,
  sim_path = sim_path,
  output_list = c("vegc", "soilc", "cftfrac", "pft_harvestc", "irrig"),
  output_list_timestep = c("annual", "annual", "annual", "annual", "monthly"),
  output_format = "clm"

# check config & LPJmL
check_config(config_details, model_path, sim_path)

# submit runs to slurm
run_details <- submit_lpjml(
  x = config_details,
  model_path = model_path,
  sim_path = sim_path


Notes & tips

  1. You can save the generated config tibble by applying saveRDS to it to reuse for a rerun or resubmission next time …

            paste0(sim_path, "/configurations/config_details.rds")) # nolint:absolute_path_linter.
    # next time ...
    config_details <- readRDS(
      paste0(sim_path, "/configurations/config_details.rds") # nolint:absolute_path_linter.
  2. Also if you want do not want to submit all runs you can …

    # use a subset for the rows - in this example you may only want to resubmit the
    #   transient runs
    run_details <- submit_lpjml(
      x = config_details[2:3, ],
      model_path = model_path,
      sim_path = sim_path,
      group = "open"
  3. a bit dirty though If you want to reuse an old spinup simulation, you can copy the file or create a symlink of the file to "<sim_path>/restart/<spinup_sim_name>/restart.lpj". Make sure the file/symlink is named "restart.lpj"