A central feature of the madrat framework is its ability to load data from cache rather than recompute it when the calculation have run already before. Here, we explain what user should know about the caching to avoid unwanted behavior.
By default every read- or calc-function creates a cache file from its computations and stores it in the cachefolder. Where this folder is located can be checked via
library(madrat, quietly = TRUE)
getConfig("cachefolder", verbose = FALSE)
#> [1] "/tmp/Rtmp1EM35m/madrat/cache/default"
When running data processing via retrieveData
currently offers two types of cache folders:
cachetype = "def"
will use a shared cachefolder in which
all processes write their cache files by default. RetrieveData will
check in this folder for fitting cache files and read them if available.
Whether they are fitting or not will depend on their
which is explained further down. With
cachetype = "rev"
will create a
new, revision-specific cachefolder and set
setConfig(forcecache = TRUE)
(default is FALSE). Via this
approach calculations will start with new cache files at all but created
cache files will be read if a calculation is repeated. The forcecache
option will in this case make sure that any available cache file which
fits the function call is read in, independent of whether the content of
the cache file might be outdated or not.
In order to estimate whether a calculation should be rerun or whether
the data can be read from cache madrat creates fingerprints for each
function. If the fingerprint of the current function call agrees with
the fingerprint of the corresponding cache file the cache is assumed
up-to-date and read in. If they disagree, the cache file is assumed to
be potentially outdated and ignored (except for
forcecache = TRUE
in which case it would be read in
The fingerprint is created by looking at the dependency graph of a
function which can be retrieved via getDependencies
getDependencies("calcTauTotal", packages = "madrat")
#> func type package call hash
#> 1 readTau read madrat madrat:::readTau 51d42a7b
#> 2 toolSubtypeSelect tool madrat madrat:::toolSubtypeSelect 86ae28b2
#> 3 toolAggregate tool madrat madrat:::toolAggregate e1b1d4b5
#> 4 toolCountryFill tool madrat madrat:::toolCountryFill f02cc82a
#> 5 toolGetMapping tool madrat madrat:::toolGetMapping b688b718
The dependency graph lists all calls of calc
and tool
functions a function depends on
(not only calls in the function itself, but also calls in the functions
which have been called in order to run the function). The fingerprinting
function creates hashes of all these functions and all source folders
involved in this process and combines them to one single hash which is
the fingerprint of that specific function:
setConfig(verbosity = 3)
#> Global configuration update:
#> verbosity: 1 -> 3
fp <- madrat:::fingerprint("calcTauTotal", details = TRUE, packages = "madrat")
#> hash components (b62c42c6):
#> 49fe8440 | madrat:::calcTauTotal | madrat:::calcTauTotal
#> 51d42a7b | madrat:::readTau | madrat:::readTau
#> c095ab28 | madrat:::sysdata$iso_cell | madrat:::sysdata$iso_cell
#> e1b1d4b5 | madrat:::toolAggregate | madrat:::toolAggregate
#> f02cc82a | madrat:::toolCountryFill | madrat:::toolCountryFill
#> b688b718 | madrat:::toolGetMapping | madrat:::toolGetMapping
#> 86ae28b2 | madrat:::toolSubtypeSelect | madrat:::toolSubtypeSelect
#> 3dd304aa | magclass:::ncells | magclass:::ncells
As a hash has the characteristic to change when its input changes, an unchanged hash means that also the respective function or source folder did not change. Hence, an identical fingerprint means that the involved functions and source data did not change. So, if the fingerprint of the cache file agrees with the fingerprint calculated for the calculation it is quite likely that the data contained in the cache file also agrees with the output of the calculation one would run it again.
The reason why it is only quite likely but not certain is that not
all parts of the calculation are covered: The dependency graph only
considers madrat-style functions, e.g. functions not starting with
, read
, correct
, calc
, or tool
will not
be considered. In many cases this should be ok, considering that
external functions used in the calculation will likely keep their
behavior over time, but there might be instances in which this
assumption is violated (e.g. if parts of the calculation are outsourced
in a function not following these conventions).
On the other hand, the dependency graph might also include dependencies which only exist on the paper, as it does only scan for calls of the corresponding functions in the code, but cannot interpret which calls are actually be computed for a given calculation, e.g. there could be if clauses in a calc-function selecting different source data types. The dependency graph will show a dependency to all sources even if only one of these sources might be used at the end.
To make sure that the fingerprint is appropriately reflecting the current status of a calculation there are a few possibilities to steer its behavior:
Use madrat-style functions for all calculation that should get
monitored by the fingerprinting algorithm (e.g. if part of the
calculation is outsourced, call this new function tool..
have it monitored.)
Adjust the fingerprinting via control flags for all other cases.
Control flags can be used to manually include or exclude functions in
the fingerprinting. Control flags are comments in the functions which
are put in quotes and start with !#
. They can look
Each line contains a control flag starting with the flag name (here
or ignore
) and afterwards with the
arguments of this control flag. The monitor
flag specifies
calls which should get monitored in addition to the ones anyway
monitored (in the example the sysdata
object in
and the ncells
functions of the
package are additionally being monitored). The
flag specifies which calls should not be monitored
even so getDepenendencies
says otherwise.
While the ignore
statement has to be mentioned
explicitly for each function, the monitor
statement will be
passed on automatically to all subsequent functions (e.g. if a read
function has a monitor statement all calc-functions used that read
function will also monitor the additional calls of that statement, but
in the same example the ignore statement would only be used for the read
function itself).
In particular the ignore
statement has to be handled
with care as a wrong information here might lead to outdated cache files
being read in. So, only use it if really necessary and if you know
exactly what you are doing.
setConfig(globalenv = TRUE)
#> Global configuration update:
#> globalenv: FALSE -> TRUE
readData <- function() return(1)
readData2 <- function() return(2)
calcExample <- function() {
a <- readSource("Data")
calcExample2 <- function() {
a <- readSource("Data")
if (FALSE) a <- readSource("Data2")
In this example are two source data sets and two calculation
functions. calcExample
only depends on
while calcExample2
depends on both
data sources.
fp <- madrat:::fingerprint("calcExample", details = TRUE, packages = "madrat")
#> hash components (d927f460):
#> 741a3677 | calcExample | calcExample
#> 783a5e2f | readData | readData
fp2 <- madrat:::fingerprint("calcExample2", details = TRUE, packages = "madrat")
#> hash components (81a4a47d):
#> 73001063 | calcExample2 | calcExample2
#> 783a5e2f | readData | readData
#> fb52578f | readData2 | readData2
Looking at the fingerprints this is reflected in the hash components
of each fingerprint (please NOTE that the source folders are not hashed
in this example as they do not exist yet. If they exist they would show
up here as well as hash components). One can see, that the hash for
is the same in both fingerprints but as the other
hashes differ also the resulting fingerprint for both calculations is
readData <- function() return(99)
fp <- madrat:::fingerprint("calcExample", details = TRUE, packages = "madrat")
#> hash components (1fd8c70c):
#> 741a3677 | calcExample | calcExample
#> 06f7b7ad | readData | readData
fp2 <- madrat:::fingerprint("calcExample2", details = TRUE, packages = "madrat")
#> hash components (f119542e):
#> 73001063 | calcExample2 | calcExample2
#> 06f7b7ad | readData | readData
#> fb52578f | readData2 | readData2
Changing the readData
function changes the hash of this
function and thereby also the fingerprints of both calc functions even
so the hash of the calc functions itself did not change.
readData2 <- function() {
"!# @monitor madrat:::toolAggregate"
fp <- madrat:::fingerprint("calcExample", details = TRUE, packages = "madrat")
#> hash components (1fd8c70c):
#> 741a3677 | calcExample | calcExample
#> 06f7b7ad | readData | readData
fp2 <- madrat:::fingerprint("calcExample2", details = TRUE, packages = "madrat")
#> hash components (47d46a75):
#> 73001063 | calcExample2 | calcExample2
#> e1b1d4b5 | madrat:::toolAggregate | madrat:::toolAggregate
#> 06f7b7ad | readData | readData
#> 13c681da | readData2 | readData2
Adding a monitor control flag in readData
also add this
hash component to all subsequent fingerprint calculations.
calcExample2 <- function() {
"!# @ignore readData2"
a <- readSource("Data")
if (FALSE) a <- readSource("Data2")
calcExample3 <- function() {
a <- calcOutput("Example2")
fp2 <- madrat:::fingerprint("calcExample2", details = TRUE, packages = "madrat")
#> hash components (9a9e58d0):
#> 2da80525 | calcExample2 | calcExample2
#> e1b1d4b5 | madrat:::toolAggregate | madrat:::toolAggregate
#> 06f7b7ad | readData | readData
fp3 <- madrat:::fingerprint("calcExample3", details = TRUE, packages = "madrat")
#> hash components (1ab3fa46):
#> 2da80525 | calcExample2 | calcExample2
#> d51ac46e | calcExample3 | calcExample3
#> e1b1d4b5 | madrat:::toolAggregate | madrat:::toolAggregate
#> 06f7b7ad | readData | readData
#> 13c681da | readData2 | readData2
The ignore
flag in calcExample2
from the fingerprint calculation. But in contrast
to the monitor
statement this information is not forwarded
to calcExample3
. Hence, the latter does not only monitor
but also readData2
Before the introduction of fingerprinting forcing the use of cache
files was the default approach. However, in the new setup the argument
forcecache = TRUE
should only be used under very specific
circumstances, as it does not guarantee that the data agrees with the
code of the corresponding package. In particular production runs should
always use forcecache = FALSE
A scenario in which forcecache = TRUE
might still make
sense are development cases in which up-to-date inputs are not required
for proper function development. In these cases development can be speed
up by using potentially outdated cache files as a starting point to
avoid lengthy calculations of parts irrelevant for the current
development stage.
If you are unsure what to use, always go with
forcecache = FALSE