Run statistics 2 (rs2)

The rs2 tool gives you quick, easy, and handy access to a number of info and statistics (status, type, convergence, reporting, etc. – the list is extended continuously) for your model runs. This document provides a short tutorial on how to make the most out of rs2.

5 common use cases:

  1. You want a quick overview of all your recent jobs (regardless where they are): rs2 -c If you want to do the same for the jobs of someone else (can also be user1,user2 for multiple users): rs2 -c username If you want to adjust the number of days that the tool reports jobs for: rs2 -c [username] 10 e.g. for 10 days back.

  2. You want a quick overview of all jobs in slurm rs2 -a [username]

  3. You go into a run folder (e.g. by using cdf) and want to see its status: rs2 .

  4. You are in an output folder containing many run folders and want to see their status (or of some of them): rs2 and then filter by pattern, e.g. ^C_ for all coupled runs, or 03-25 for all runs on Mar 25

  5. You are in a hurry and want to see immediately what is going on in the run folders of your current directory: rs2 -f

  6. You want to collect information about your runs and store/process it in R: modelstats::getRunStatus() returns a data.frame with the job information.