Package: mrremind 0.220.7

Lavinia Baumstark

mrremind: MadRat REMIND Input Data Package

The mrremind packages contains data preprocessing for the REMIND model.

Authors:Lavinia Baumstark [aut, cre], Renato Rodrigues [aut], Antoine Levesque [aut], Julian Oeser [aut], Christoph Bertram [aut], Ioanna Mouratiadou [aut], Aman Malik [aut], Felix Schreyer [aut], Bjoern Soergel [aut], Marianna Rottoli [aut], Abhijeet Mishra [aut], Alois Dirnaichner [aut], Michaja Pehl [aut], Anastasis Giannousakis [aut], David Klein [aut], Jessica Strefler [aut], Lukas Feldhaus [aut], Regina Brecha [aut], Sebastian Rauner [aut], Jan Philipp Dietrich [aut], Stephen Bi [aut], Falk Benke [aut], Pascal Weigmann [aut], Oliver Richters [aut], Robin Hasse [aut], Sophie Fuchs [aut], Rahel Mandaroux [aut], Johannes Koch [aut]

mrremind.pdf |mrremind.html
mrremind/json (API)

# Install 'mrremind' in R:
install.packages('mrremind', repos = c('', ''))

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6.25 score 4 stars 1 packages 15 scripts 53 exports 258 dependencies

Last updated 8 hours agofrom:79c392f750. Checks:1 OK, 8 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 12 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEMar 12 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEMar 12 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEMar 12 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEMar 12 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEMar 12 2025
R-4.4-linuxNOTEMar 12 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEMar 12 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEMar 12 2025



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mrremind: MadRat REMIND Input Data Packagemrremind-package mrremind
Calculate REMIND final energy variables from historical AGEB valuescalcAGEB
read biomass supply curves from Magpie emulatorcalcBiomassPrices
Calculate REMIND variables from historical BP valuescalcBP
calc CapacitycalcCapacity
calc Capacity FactorcalcCapacityFactor
calc Capacity FactorcalcCapacityFactorHist
Calculate macroeconomic capital stockcalcCapital
Capacity targets from two sourcescalcCapTarget
Calculate CCS bound indicator for 2025 and 2030calcCCSbounds
calc CCS capacitycalcCCScapacity
Calculate Cooling Type SharescalcCoolingSharesAll
Calculate Cooling Type Shares for the Base YearcalcCoolingSharesBase
Calculate Cooling Type Shares for Future TimestepscalcCoolingSharesFuture
Calculate trade costscalcCostsTrade
Calculate Trade CostcalcCostsTradePeFinancial
Calculate costs of transport of enhanced weatheringcalcCostsWeathering
Aggregated investment cost data for REMIND regions (based on IEA_WEO)calcDiffInvestCosts
Calculates the share of distributed solar pv, wind-onshore/offshore, hydro-small/large from 2015 to 2050. For spv - Only includes grid-connected pv.calcDspvShare
Prepare EDGETransport inputscalcEDGETransport
Calculate EEA emission projections from the two projections sources provided by EEAcalcEEAGHGProjections
Calculate distribution of total EEZ sizecalcEEZdistribution
calc Effort Sharing Reference EmissionscalcEffortSharingRefEmi
calc Effort Sharing TargetcalcEffortSharingTarget
calc EmbercalcEmber
calcEmiAirPoll calculate Air Pollution EmissionscalcEmiAirPollLandUse
EmiCO2LandUse calculate co2 emissions from land use changecalcEmiCO2LandUse
Fugitive methane emissions from fossil fuel extractioncalcEmiFossilFuelExtr
Calculate baseline emissions for maccs for 1990calcEmiMac1990
calcEmiPollutantExo calculate EmiPollutantExo based on RCP datacalcEmiPollutantExo
calc European Reference EmissionscalcEmiReference
Output for 2 policy casescalcEmiTarget
calc ETS Reference EmissionscalcETSRefEmi
Calculate REMIND variables from European Energy DatasheetscalcEuropeanEnergyDatasheets
Calculate REMIND emission variables from historical Eurostat (env_air_gge) valuescalcEurostatEmissions
calculate exogenuous FE and ES demand pathwayscalcExogDemScen
Calculate expert guessescalcExpertGuess
Calculates FE historical from IEA energy balances, projections from EDGE, and historical values from IEA WEO 2019calcFE
Calculates Final Energy Demand for Industry and BuildingscalcFEdemand
Returns the EDGE-Buildings data as REMIND variablescalcFeDemandBuildings
Calculate historic and projected other non-specified energy demandcalcFeDemandONONSPEC
FE Share parameters used in REMINDcalcFEShares
Calculate FETaxescalcFETaxes
generate F-Gases based on IMAGE datacalcFGas
Floor space in buildingscalcFloorspace
calc Fossil ExtractioncalcFossilExtraction
Calculate air pollution emissions and emission factors from GAINS datacalcGAINSEmi
Calc capacities from Global Energy MonitorcalcGlobalEnergyMonitor
Gather reference data from various sources.calcHistorical
Calculate Final Energy for the buildings sector from Heat Roadmap Europe scenarioscalcHRE
Calculate REMIND emission variables from IEA ETP valuescalcIEA_ETP
Calculate REMIND variables from IEA Global EV Outlook datacalcIEA_EVOutlook
Calculate REMIND variables from IEA World Energy Outlook data.calcIEA_WorldEnergyOutlook
Calc Input OutputcalcIO
Calculate REMIND variables from historical IRENA capacities.calcIRENA
Calculate selected REMIND energy and emission variables from historical JRC IDEES valuescalcJRC_IDEES
write KLW damage parameters (from Kotz et al. 2024) into input data they are country-specific and should not be aggregated to the regional level at allcalcKLWdamage
Calculate baseline emissions trajectories for transport, adipic acid and nitric acid productioncalcMACCbaseN2O
Read in abatement potential for CO2 land-use change derived from MAgPIEcalcMACCsCO2
Calculate 2005 macroeconomic capital investmentscalcMacroInvestments
Calculate projected electricity from waste and other fossils using energy demands from IEA Energy Balances.calcOtherFossilInElectricity
Computes Primary Energy variablescalcPE
Calculate SubsStationarycalcPETaxes
calculates projections for the end of life fate of plastic waste in particular, calculates the share that is incineratedcalcPlasticsEoL
Calculate Geothermal potentialcalcPotentialGeothermal
Calculate hydro potentialcalcPotentialHydro
Calculate hydro potentialcalcPotentialWeathering
Calculate wind offshore potentialcalcPotentialWindOff
Calculate wind onshore potentialcalcPotentialWindOn
Manufacture production shares for spc and windcalcProdShares
calc Project PipelinescalcProjectPipelines
Get PPP-to-MER conversion factors.calcRatioPPP2MER
calc Shared TargetcalcSharedTarget
calcSolar calculate Area, Capacity and Energy for photovoltaics (PV) and contentrated solar power (CSP)calcSolar
calc Capacity FactorcalcStorageFactor
calc Tax ConvergencecalcTaxConvergence
calc Tax LimitscalcTaxLimits
write TC damage parameters into input data they are country-specific and should not be aggregated to the regional level at allcalcTCdamage
Get regional Theil-T index projectionscalcTheil
Computes Trade variables based on latest IEA data availablecalcTrade
Get transport share in GDPcalcTransportGDPshare
Calculate REMIND final energy variables from historical UBA valuescalcUBA
Calculate REMIND emission variables from historical UNFCCC valuescalcUNFCCC
Calculate waste energy use shares based on IEA World Energy BalancescalcWasteEnergyUseShares
Calculate Water Consumption CoefficientscalcWaterConsCoef
Calculate Water Withdrawal CoefficientscalcWaterWithCoef
Convert AGEB dataconvertAGEB
Convert Ariadne DB dataconvertAriadneDB
Converts BGR oil, gas, coal and uranium reserves dataconvertBGR
Disaggregates and cleans BP data.convertBP
Convert Davies CoolingconvertDaviesCooling
Converts Dylan's Australian gas cost to magpieconvertDylanAusGasCost
Convert EDGE Buildings data to data on ISO country level.convertEdgeBuildings
Convert EDGEtransportconvertEDGETransport
Convert Ember dataconvertEmber
Convert European Energy DatasheetsconvertEuropeanEnergyDatasheets
Converts EU Effort Sharing targets and historical emissionsconvertEurostat_EffortSharing
Convert GGDC 10-Sector Database -
Convert Global CCS Institute Project DatabaseconvertGlobalCCSinstitute
Convert Global Energy Monitor dataconvertGlobalEnergyMonitor
Convert HRE dataconvertHRE
Nuclear data from world-nuclear.orgconvertIAEA
convert IAEA Power Reactor Information SystemconvertIAEA_PRIS
Convert IEA CCUS dataconvertIEA_CCUS
Convert IEA ETP projectionsconvertIEA_ETP
Convert IEA EV OutlookconvertIEA_EVOutlook
convert IEA Hydro Special Market ReportconvertIEA_HSMR
Convert IEA PVPS data from REMIND regions to iso countriesconvertIEA_PVPS
Reads the distributed solar pv capacity from IEA Renewables report (2019).convertIEA_REN
Converts IEA World Energy Outlook dataconvertIEA_WEO
Convert IEA World Energy Outlook Data from 2023convertIEA_WorldEnergyOutlook
Convert IIASA_subs_taxes dataconvertIIASA_subs_taxes
Converts IRENA Regional dataconvertIRENA
convert KLW damage fills in countries for which no damage parameters are provided, setting parameters to zeroconvertKLWdamage
Convert Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) size dataconvertMarineRegionsOrg
Policy targets for NDCs from UNFCCC_NDCconvertNewClimate
Convert NREL dataconvertNREL
Converts Openmod capacities dataconvertOpenmod
Reads shares of world manufacture for spv modules and wind turbines.convertProdShares
convertRCP convert RCP dataconvertRCP
Converts REMIND regional dataconvertREMIND_11Regi
Policy targets for REN21convertREN21
Convert TCdamage fills in countries not affected by tropical cyclones (TC), setting parameters to zeroconvertTCdamageKrichene
Convert UBA dataconvertUBA
Convert UNFCCC dataconvertUNFCCC
Policy targets for NDCs from UNFCCC_NDCconvertUNFCCC_NDC
Convert WGBU dataconvertWGBU
export validation thresholdsfullTHRESHOLDS
Generate Validation Data for REMINDfullVALIDATIONREMIND
Read GWP (or other metrics) from the AR6 WGIII Table SM7 per GHG speciesreadAR6GWP
Ariadne database scenario datareadAriadneDB
Read BGR oil, gas, coal and uranium reserves datareadBGR
BP Capacity and Generation DatareadBP
Read Employment factors and cumulative jobs for RE techs (for India)readCEEW
Read Davies CoolingreadDaviesCooling
read-in power Australian gas extraction cost curve based on Dylan's data Australian contact: Dylan McConnell, dylan.mcconnell(at)
Read EDGAR7 emissions data for F-gases per species, in kt of each gasreadEDGAR7Fgases
Load an EDGE Buildings file as magclass object.readEdgeBuildings
Read REMIND/EDGE-T iterative input datareadEDGETransport
Read Ember Yearly Electricity DatareadEmber
Read European Energy DatasheetsreadEuropeanEnergyDatasheets
Read EU Effort Sharing targets and historical emissionsreadEurostat_EffortSharing
Read ExpertGuessreadExpertGuess
Data from the Global Coal Plant Tracker January 2021 release by Global Energy Monitor (formerly EndCoal/CoalSwarm)readEndCoal readGCPT
read GEA 2012readGEA2012
Read GGDC 10-Sector Database -
Read GiniconvertGini readGini
Read Global CCS Institute Project DatabasereadGlobalCCSinstitute
Read Global Energy Monitor datareadGlobalEnergyMonitor
Read Heat Roadmap Europe datareadHRE
Nuclear data from world-nuclear.orgreadIAEA
read IAEA Power Reactor Information SystemreadIAEA_PRIS
Read IEA CCUS datareadIEA_CCUS
Read IEA ETP projectionsreadIEA_ETP
Read IEA EV OutlookreadIEA_EVOutlook
read IEA Hydro Special Market ReportreadIEA_HSMR
Reads PV investment cost data for 2020 which are based on 2018 data from IEA PVPS reportreadIEA_PVPS
Reads the distributed solar pv capacity from IEA Renewables report (2019).readIEA_REN
Read IEA World Energy Outlook datareadIEA_WEO
Read in IEA World Energy Outlook Data from 2023readIEA_WorldEnergyOutlook
Read IIASA subsidies and taxesreadIIASA_subs_taxes
Reads country-specific damage coefficients for the damage function presented in Kotz et al. (2024). Data has been provided by the authors. This contains data for all countries and for 1000 boostrapping realizations per country, capturing uncertainty from climate and empirical modeling. Subtypes are the temperature and temperature^2 coefficients and the maximum temperature per country for which the function is defined.readKLWdamage
readLee Read in Aviation emission data from LeereadLee
Read Macknic IntensitiesreadMacknickIntensities
Load Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) size data as magclass object. Areas with overlapping claims or jointly governed areas are split equally between the respective countries.readMarineRegionsOrg
Reads NPI policy database with technology capacity target from the Policy data base (v4 August 2024) by PBL that translate the high impact policies of
Read OECDconvertOECD readOECD
Read Openmod capacities datareadOpenmod
Reads shares of world manufacture for spv modules and wind turbines.readProdShares
Read PWTconvertPWT readPWT
Read RCP Read in RCP datareadRCP
Read REMIND region dependent datareadREMIND_11Regi
Reads policy database from REN21 2017 with capacity targets or regional technology costsreadREN21
Load Stationary File as magclass objectconvertStationary readStationary
Get data on enhanced weatheringreadStrefler
Reads country-specific damage coefficients for tropical cyclones from Krichene et al. (in prep.). Data has been provided by the authors, but will be made publicly available as well. This contains data for 41 countries (those exposed to tropical cyclones), and two coefficients (constant and linear temperature)readTCdamageKrichene
Read UBAreadUBA
Read UNFCCC datareadUNFCCC
Reads NDC policy database with capacity, emission, and share targets, originally based on Rogelj et al. 2017readUNFCCC_NDC
Wrapper around magclass::add_dimension supporting more than one value for the new dimension. For each value, the input magclass object is copied, extended by the new dimension and appended to the output.toolAddDimensions
Aggregate values to n-year averages to suppress volatilitytoolAggregateTimeSteps
toolBiomassSupplyAggregate The function aggregates biomass supply curves to regionmapping different from H12. It only works if all regions are subregions of H12 regions. The offset parameter (a) is taken from the H12 region. The slope parameter (b) is multiplied by a weight. The weight is the inverse of the share of agricultural area of the subregion in the H12 region.toolBiomassSupplyAggregate
Sets values for 6 EU countries not belonging to EU 28 but EU 34 to zero if they are NA. Used to avoid EUR region yielding NA because of these countries.toolFillEU34Countries
Returns the year associated with a given ieaVersiontoolGetIEAYear