How to run piktests

piktests runs computations like preprocessings for various models in an isolated runtime environment. The most basic piktests run can be started with:


This will create a so called runfolder which contains everything related to this piktests run. To isolate the package library a new renv is created for each piktests run. A new mainfolder is created to isolate from the system wide madrat setup, but the system wide sourcefolder and mappingfolder are still used. By default the system wide cachefolder is not used, but this can be changed by passing localCache = FALSE. After setup, by default the magpie and remind preprocessing are run, via SLURM if available, otherwise in a separate R session.

Running with alternative package versions

A common use case for piktests is running a computation using a development version of a package. Assuming the development version to be used is located on GitHub at

piktests::run(renvInstallPackages = "pfuehrlich-pik/madrat",
              computations = piktests::baseComputations["madratExample"])

This will run renv::install("pfuehrlich-pik/madrat") during setup and then run the madratExample computation using this madrat version. The renvInstallPackages argument is passed directly to renv::install, which also allows passing multiple package specifications, e.g. c("pfuehrlich-pik/madrat", "[email protected]").

Often it is helpful to compare the logs of a piktests run using the default package versions to the logs of a piktests run with alternate package versions. To do so:

piktests::runWithComparison(renvInstallPackages = "pfuehrlich-pik/madrat",
                            computations = piktests::baseComputations["madratExample"])

This will create two piktests runs: One using default packages and another one for the alternate packages, in this case pfuehrlich-pik/madrat. For each computation a shell script is created that can be used to easily compare/diff the logs of both runs after they are finished:

cd <runfolder>