--- title: "Download Data from the Energy Databus for use with MADRaT" author: "Anastasis Giannousakis" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: pdf_document vignette: > %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Download Data from the Energy Databus for use with MADRaT} %\usepackage[UTF-8]{inputenc} --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ``` This document describes an R tool for easy download of a dataset from the Energy Databus () and direct use of said dataset in the `madrat`/`mrPACKAGE` universe. An extensive documentation of the Databus can be found here: . The R package `r2databus` contains the function `toolDatabusDownload`, which, when called inside a `mrPACKAGE:::downloadYXZ` ("YXZ" being the name of the dataset) function will download the dataset and its metadata, and make them available for further processing with `madrat` (see an example `downloadYXZ` function and how it is used in `madrat` here: https://pik-piam.r-universe.dev/ui#view:madrat/madrat.html). Developers of the `madrat`/`mrPACKAGE` universe can write their own `mrPACKAGE:::downloadYXZ` functions based on this example: ``` #' @title Download DatabusExample #' @description Provides an example on how to write a function that downloads #' a dataset from the Energy Databus for use with madrat #' #' @author Anastasis Giannousakis #' @seealso [downloadSource()] #' @examples \dontrun{ #' a <- downloadSource("DatabusExample") #' } #' #' @importFrom r2databus toolDatabusDownload downloadDatabusExample <- function() { tmp <- toolDatabusDownload(artifact = "https://energy.databus.dbpedia.org/ pik-piam/GROUPNAME/ARTIFACT/", subtype = "https://energy.databus.dbpedia.org/pik-piam/GROUPNAME/ ARTIFACT/YOURVERSION/ARTIFACT_FOO=BAR_TYPE=SOMEDATATYPE.rdf") return(tmp) } ``` `toolDatabusDownload` will download the dataset and the metadata and pass on the metadata to `downloadYXZ`, which will further pass on the metadata to `madrat::downloadSource`. An explanation of the necessary arguments in the call to `toolDatabusDownload` can be found in the documentation of `toolDatabusDownload`. NOTE: `toolDatabusDownload` performs SPARQL queries on the Databus to find your dataset and its metadata. An R `SPARQL` package is used to perform these queries, but since it's not included in the official R-CRAN (status of 7 Nov 2022), the `SPARQL` package is distributed by the PIK-PIAM R-CRAN, found here: https://rse.pik-potsdam.de/ You might need to explicitely load the `SPARQL` package (via `library(SPARQL)` in order for your script to function properly).