Download Data from the Energy Databus for use with MADRaT

This document describes an R tool for easy download of a dataset from the Energy Databus ( and direct use of said dataset in the madrat/mrPACKAGE universe.

An extensive documentation of the Databus can be found here:

The R package r2databus contains the function toolDatabusDownload, which, when called inside a mrPACKAGE:::downloadYXZ (“YXZ” being the name of the dataset) function will download the dataset and its metadata, and make them available for further processing with madrat (see an example downloadYXZ function and how it is used in madrat here:

Developers of the madrat/mrPACKAGE universe can write their own mrPACKAGE:::downloadYXZ functions based on this example:

#' @title Download DatabusExample
#' @description Provides an example on how to write a function that downloads
#' a dataset from the Energy Databus for use with madrat
#' @author Anastasis Giannousakis
#' @seealso [downloadSource()]
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' a <- downloadSource("DatabusExample")
#' }
#' @importFrom r2databus toolDatabusDownload

downloadDatabusExample <- function() {
  tmp <- toolDatabusDownload(artifact = "
                             subtype = "

toolDatabusDownload will download the dataset and the metadata and pass on the metadata to downloadYXZ, which will further pass on the metadata to madrat::downloadSource.

An explanation of the necessary arguments in the call to toolDatabusDownload can be found in the documentation of toolDatabusDownload.

NOTE: toolDatabusDownload performs SPARQL queries on the Databus to find your dataset and its metadata. An R SPARQL package is used to perform these queries, but since it’s not included in the official R-CRAN (status of 7 Nov 2022), the SPARQL package is distributed by the PIK-PIAM R-CRAN, found here:

You might need to explicitely load the SPARQL package (via library(SPARQL) in order for your script to function properly).