Upload Data to the Energy Databus with R

This document describes an R tool for easy publishing of a dataset on the Energy Databus (https://energy.databus.dbpedia.org/).

Extensive documentation of the Databus (including other methods for registering data) can be found here:

and here:

The R package r2databus contains the function databusUpload which will publish your dataset on the Databus. The function awaits 2 arguments: an API key (string; generated here:
https://energy.databus.dbpedia.org/{{user}}#settings), and an R list or a path to a JSON file with the dataset’s metadata. An example of such metadata is shown here:

List of 14
 $ user             : chr "USERNAME"
 $ group            : chr "GROUPNAME"
 $ groupTitle       : chr "GROUPTITLE"
 $ groupAbstract    : chr "GROUPABSTRACT"
 $ groupDescription : chr "GROUPDESCRIPTION"
 $ artifact         : chr "ARTIFACT"
 $ version          : chr "YOURVERSION"
 $ dataidTitle      : chr "DATAIDTITLE"
 $ dataidAbstract   : chr "DATAIDABSTRACT"
 $ dataidDescription: chr "DATAIDDESCRIPTION"
 $ license          : chr "http://this.is/a-license"
 $ file             : chr "http://this.is/a-file-with-extension.ext"
 $ extension        : chr "EXT"
 $ metadata         : List of 2
  ..$ FOO : chr "BAR"

All capitalized strings are mandatory (but you can keep the default values for testing), the same holds for the two paths license and file. The file field has to be pointing to an existing file (URI). The metadata list can contain more than two items, and has to contain at least one.


r2databus::databusUpload(myKey = "a-s3cr3t-K3y", myData = "/path/to/JSON/file") # nolint

Further Reading

The Databus API essentially expects two JSON-LD files with very specific format, which the databusUpload function will generate for you, and then post to the Databus API. These are: a JSON-LD file or string, containing the “group” information, and another JSON-LD file or string, containing the “DataID”. They are explained in detail in the following.


JSON-LD files are JSON files (i.e. files in human- and machine-readble format) containing Linked Data. A ‘group’ on the databus can contain several DataID’s. It helps to group registered data together. Here is an example of such file:

  "@context": "https://downloads.dbpedia.org/databus/context.jsonld",
  "@graph": {
    "@id": "https://energy.databus.dbpedia.org/username/GROUPNAME",
    "@type": "Group",
    "title": "Cleaned Data",
    "abstract": "Various cleaned datasets from DBpedia using AI.",
    "description": "Various cleaned datasets from DBpedia using AI."


A DataID contains one or more datasets and their description. Here is an example of a DataID JSON-LD:

  "@context": "https://downloads.dbpedia.org/databus/context.jsonld",
  "@graph": {
  "@type": "Dataset",
  "@id": "https://energy.databus.dbpedia.org/giannoupik/GROUPNAME/ARTIFACT/YOURVERSION#Dataset",
  "hasVersion": "YOURVERSION",
  "title": "YOURTITLE",
  "abstract": "YOURABSTRACT",
  "description": "YOURDESCRIPTION",
  "license": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/",
  "distribution": [
      "@id": "https://energy.databus.dbpedia.org/user/group/artf/vers#artf_type=randomData.csv",
      "@type": "Part",
      "file": "https://energy.databus.dbpedia.org/user/group/artf/vers/artf_type=randomData.csv",
      "formatExtension": "csv",
      "compression": "none",
      "downloadURL": "https://yum-yab.github.io/data/databus-api-test/first/Sample500.csv",
      "byteSize": 34243,
      "sha256sum": "1c69ff99c105ab0f3459a4cd928f14284c996702148a2f62637df69f3e1a01ab",
      "dcv:type": "randomData"