2.2 Adding manually
If you just want to test the generated emulators in REMIND, it might
be easier to manually change the relevant files. The emulator
coefficients are in the file f30_bioen_price.cs4r
, but to
do this manually you must reproduce some of the postprocessing
would do.
If you replaced flat fits, your emulator will be in (for example in a
The first data lines will look something like this. There’s no variable
name header, but they represent
year, region, scenario, coefficient, value
. There are two
coefficients, a
and b
, representing the linear
Replace NAs with artificial fits
The first thing you must do is fix the NAs, replacing them with an
artificial fit that prohibits biomass production for that region.
# Manually correct NAs in the cs4r since we're not going through mrremind at this time
newfilepath <- "SSP2-NPI-Base/replaced-flat/f30_bioen_price_SSP2-NPI-Base_replaced_flat.cs4r"
new <- read.magpie(newfilepath)
new[,,"a"][is.na(new[,,"a"])] <- 1
new[,,"b"][is.na(new[,,"b"])] <- 0.1
write.magpie(new, newfilepath)
Use the file in REMIND as base
The linear coefficients file in REMIND is in the
in the REMIND folder. It has an additional rcp
and contains data for several other scenarios, e.g.:
* description: coefficients for the bioenergy supplycurve
* unit: none
* comment: Data aggregated (toolAggregate): Thu Dec 2 19:46:36 2021
* origin: calcOutput(type = "BiomassPrices", file = "f30_bioen_price.cs4r", round = 6) (madrat 2.7.1 | mrremind 0.92.2)
* creation date: Mon Dec 6 09:33:08 2021
The header doesn’t make a difference in this case. If you want to
force REMIND to use your new emulators, all you have to do is replace
the scenario and rcp you will be using in this file with fits from your
new emulator. First make copy of the original to be sure.
cp path/to/remind/modules/30_biomass/magpie_40/input/f30_bioen_price.cs4r
Then in the same R script before do:
# Now we add this data to an old file with the correct structure
oldfilepath <- "/path/to/remind/modules/30_biomass/magpie_40/input/f30_bioen_price_old.cs4r"
old <- read.magpie(oldfilepath)
# Create a copy magclass object
out <- old
# Replaces in the original repeating data on all unspecified dimensions
# You have to specify one element in each dimension for the expansion to work properly
# Here we replace all `SSP2` and `SSP1` scenarios in all RCPs for illustrative purposes.
out[,,"SSP2"] <- new
out[,,"SSP1"] <- new
# If you want to differentiate between RCPs, use magclass notation. But always one element at a time.
# out[,,"SSP2.rcp45"] <- new
# Add metadata on modification date and path, purely optional
out <- setComment(out,c(getComment(out),paste0(" modification date: ", format(Sys.time(), "%a %b %d %X %Y %Z")),paste0(" modified at: ", getwd())))
# File that REMIND will actually use
outfilepath <- "/path/to/remind/modules/30_biomass/magpie_40/input/f30_bioen_price.cs4r"
write.magpie(out, outfilepath)
If you check
the values for all scenarios and rcps that you replaced should be the
same (different between regions, years and coefficients). REMIND will
decide which SSP to pick in this file from cm_LU_emi_scen
and the RCP from cm_rcp_scen
, so be sure that these
switches match the SSPs and RCPs you replaced.